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TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:49 am


25 June 2009

France - What happened to little Typhaine?

A week ago five-year-old Typhaine disappeared without trace while walking with her mother in the northern French town of Maubeuge.

According to Anne-Sophie Faucheur, the two of them were in the town centre last Thursday afternoon, her daughter roughly 50 metres ahead of her.

Typhaine turned the corner at the intersection of two roads and by the time Faucheur arrived her daughter was nowhere to be seen. She had "disappeared within the space of five seconds" was what she told police.

Last edited by Twiglet on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:02 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:51 am

Typhaine Taton

TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Tiphai10

Missing since 18 June 2009.

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:57 am


25 June 2009


One week after the disappearance of Typhaine, the mystery remains unsolved

MAUBEUGE (AFP) - Accident, abduction by a stranger or family track: a week after the sudden disappearance of the small Typhaine, five years on the streets of Maubeuge, the mystery remains unsolved in this case occurred against a backdrop of dispute over custody the girl.

He was a little more than 16:30, Thursday 18 June, when Anne-Sophie Faucheur, 23 years old, the young mother Typhaine alerted police, claiming that her daughter had "gone in five seconds at a crossroads in the city center "as she walked 50 meters before it, not far from the banks of the Sambre.

Significant resources were immediately implemented: dog teams combing Maubeuge, divers in the Sambre, in vain.

A week later, investigators are still working on the three premises are: "family track, accident or abduction by a third."

Teams of dogs roam the streets of New City, firefighters still probing the Sambre and investigators continue to search for evidence.

Runway family, although nebulous, the attention of the police. Typhaine's parents, who were not married, separated in December 2005, on a dispute, sharing custody of the girl and her sister, Caroline, a year older.

Anne-Sophie Faucheur was awarded custody of Caroline and her partner, François Taton, of Typhaine.

But on January 22, the mother gets the youngest out of school - in Lille where the father - deceiving teachers.

Since then, Anne-Sophie Faucheur lived with her two daughters-in Aulnoye Aymeries (North), 15 km from Maubeuge, with his new companion, Nicolas Willot, 24, met in the fast-food restaurant where they both worked.

Therefore, the public appearances Typhaine not educated because they have obtained a certification for the cancellation of the old school are rare.

A plot element above all investigators: Saturday 13 June, five days before alerting the disappearance, Anne-Sophie and Nicolas Willot Faucheur celebrate the baptism of their third daughter, Appoline, after their union, with members their families.

But none thumbnail Typhaine and none expressed concern. Neither the evening of baptism, where parents spend the night yet at home. Neither the next day at a new family meals at home.

According to their position, they did not even know the existence of the child. Even the father of Nicolas Willot said did not know that Anne-Sophie had a second daughter.

Typhaine would have been lost before June 18?

Two witnesses, including one at the CPAM where the mother went on the day of the disappearance, however, claim to have seen this Typhaine June 18, which confirms the story of the mother.

Investigators have twice searched his home. Research has also occurred among maternal grandparents in Saint-Omer (Pas-de-Calais). Nothing has filtered.

Meanwhile, the family of Anne Sophie Faucheur, and the father of Typhaine, each sticking to their side of the photos that could help her.

"Morale is at zero, you feel empty and helpless," said Anne-Sophie Wednesday Faucheur, visibly moved, speaking to journalists for the first time since the beginning of the case.

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:59 am

Another image of Typhaine.

TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Tt10

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:08 am



At Maubeuge in northern France

What happened?

She is called Typhaine. She is 5 years and is 1.10 meters tall.

She has blond hair cut square.

She disappeared around 17h30-18h00 in the downtown during the festivities of Humor.

Typhaine was last seen near Nerviens dock.

She was wearing a pink T-shirt bearing the image of Dora the Explorer. She wore red shoes.

If you have information:

Contact the Commission for Maubeuge on 03 27 69 17 17.

Number of posts : 20932
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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  pam supportfromireland Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:13 pm

oh dear sounds complex ! Hope she is safe and found asap.
pam supportfromireland
pam supportfromireland
Forum Moderator (Missing)
Forum Moderator (Missing)

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:35 am

La Voix du Nord

26 June 2009

The doubts of the paternal family of Typhaine


Anger. It was very difficult to contain his resentment. Immediately after hearing Anne-Sophie explained that she had left Typhaine alone until late in the night, at the baptism of Apoline June 13, Marie-José exploded. "Typhaine is afraid of the dark," says the paternal grandmother when she lived with us, it only ever slept. Yesterday Taton family has contacted a lawyer to try to prosecute on a "negligence inadmissible and shameful".

"Sorry." Francois, the father of Typhaine, claims to have had direct contact with the mother of that Typhaine June 18. That day, early evening, parents were at the police station in Maubeuge. "She said not a word, reveals Francis Taton: forgiveness."

The last visit to Typhaine. "I moved to Aulnoye unannounced, overflows a sister of Francis, until very discreet. "I wanted to see my niece, that's all. It was a Saturday, April 11. I did not address, I went to the barracks where Nicolas is a firefighter (volunteer): I was given without any problems. "Aunt reaches 19 hours. The home of Anne-Sophie is not really friendly. "At first she was suspicious, is the sister of Francis Taton, and launched me," You just do what? "" The little girl, she seemed intimidated, reluctant to approach her aunt. "She has not recognized immediately, but after she came into my arms and it was discussed. His hair was cut, she had lost weight, looked tired. Typhaine asked if I could come to the baptism of my son May 16, Anne-Sophie said yes, but took no action. I went to 22 hours. This is the last time I saw her. "Nobody in the family Taton never Typhaine reviewed after the visit. On June 6, Marie-José asked to speak to his granddaughter. "It is with his godfather in Saint-Omer," says Anne-Sophie. An "information" that the grandmother could never verify. Then nothing, until 18 June What happened in between? Wondered aloud family Taton.

Incomprehensible. Francis does not credit the explanation given by Anne-Sophie to justify the abandonment of Typhaine the day of baptism Apoline: fear he comes to remove it. "I knew neither the date nor the place," says the father of the child, "then how could I come back Typhaine that day? On the whole, said the family, there were more likely to leave home alone, while Taton knew the address of Anne-Sophie and Nicolas from visiting the sister of Francis, April 11 .

In his old school. Guestbook, posters, in kindergarten when Rollin was educated Typhaine two years, until December 2008, parents and children are in shock. His teacher remembers perfectly Typhaine: "A girl always clean, cute, character quite soaked, whose relations with the other children were sometimes a little difficult." Each day, the companion of his father and had brought Faches-Thumesnil look underground and was always on time. "She was very good." The teacher had called for François Typhaine would be too often repeated in order. He came with Sabrina and announced ready for Typhaine "a more stable life."

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:50 am

La Voix du Nord

8 July 2009

Disappearance of Typhaine: large-scale excavations, yesterday morning in Maubeuge


Fifty CRS and French and Belgian police have carried out excavations in search of Typhaine yesterday morning, in wooded areas near the downtown of Maubeuge. En vain. In vain.

It is now assumed that almost Typhaine was not an accident the afternoon of June 18, when the mother of the little five year reported her disappearance to Maubeuge. Yesterday morning, the judicial police in Lille, in charge of the investigation, has again demonstrated that it would leave nothing to chance in this case by holding a large deployment in search of the child.

It was almost 9 pm when a 30 fifty police officers - the vast majority of the frameworks of the company Béthune - have landed in Maubeuge to undertake excavations. During their previous investigations, the investigators had squared the city center, surveyed the Sambre, Monnier ponds and inspected the tracks and abandoned buildings. Yesterday, they were attacked on three wooded areas near places of alleged disappearances and near the train station, where a girl thinks seeing Typhaine few minutes after his mother said to have lost sight of.

Framed by three men of the judicial police, which the Commissioner Cros, charged with the investigation, CRS explored areas a little back from the city center, where Typhaine could have been an accident, or left there by a criminal trying to avoid the police who sought the child on the evening of June 18. The possibility of finding his body in the woods, twelve days after the disappearance, was limited. But the men of the police wanted to have the heart net, so as to close the track and focus on other assumptions.

Belgian police, already support from their colleagues French last week with a sonar to probe the Sambre, again participated in the investigations. This time with a support dog, created following the Dutroux case and specializes in finding cadavers. French and Belgian police spent over three hours to inspect the terrain and provided with a large vegetation. While the CRS increased difficulty in the middle of brambles and nettles with great bursts of batons, dogs inspected the holes and the many pipes that pass through the walls. 12 : 30 hours, the search ended without giving any results.

It is unclear whether Typhaine is still alive today, but the trail of the accident or crime near the scene of the alleged disappearance is now excluded. Remain two cases where investigators are able to devote full-time: those of the kidnapping and the family track.

Number of posts : 20932
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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:47 am

Nord Eclair

23 August 2009

Renewed appeal for witnesses


The PJ is launching a fresh appeal for witnesses in the investigation into the disappearance of Typhaine Taton, 5 years, reported last June 18.

The question is whether users of the primary health insurance fund (CPAM) of Maubeuge spotted the girl this afternoon then.
Only two witnesses, except her mother, have reported seeing Zena Maubeuge. A girl reported having noticed shortly after 16 am a girl matching his description, wandering alone, near the station and weeping. And an employee of the CPAM de Maubeuge told to have received 15 h 10 Anne-Sophie Reaper, mother, and assured that it was accompanied by her daughter. The PJ was able to contact some of the insured persons present in the agency this afternoon then. None could confirm the testimony of the employee. Crime Squad is therefore seeking to hear those she could not identify so far.

Anyone having gone to the CPAM de Maubeuge, June 18 this afternoon, should contact the CID at 0 805,557,559.

Number of posts : 20932
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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:52 am

France Today

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Mother says Typhaine Taton is dead

A sad ending to the story of the five-year-old girl who "disappeared without trace" in June.

Anne-Sophie Faucheur, the mother of Typhaine Taton, a little girl who went missing in June this year, has admitted that her daughter is dead.

You might remember the case of Typhaine, the five-year-old girl who apparently vanished without trace while walking with her mother in the northern French town of Maubeuge in June.

Her disappearance made the national headlines here in France, with police questioning both Faucheur and her companion, Nicolas Willot as well as Typhaine's father, François Taton, from whom Faucheur was estranged, and searching both their homes and a lake and a river near the town.

But still there was no sign of the five-year-old and no indication of how she had "disappeared" so suddenly in broad daylight.

Faucheur even held a press conference a couple of weeks after her daughter's disappearance saying how she had panicked when she realised Typhaine was nowhere to be found and that she and Willot had questioned local shopkeepers and passers-by in desperation before reporting the girl missing.

On Monday though the 23-year-old was taken into police custody again and in the course of questioning apparently admitted that her daughter was dead.

It's still unclear as to whether Typhaine was the victim of abuse by Faucheur's companion, Willot, as some reports on national radio have suggested, or died accidentally with the couple trying to cover up exactly what had happened.

Both Faucheur and Willot are in police custody, and the search for Typhaine's body has been widened to include other towns in northern France and across the border in Belgium.

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Twiglet Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:55 am


11 December 2009

Brutality, lies, and the tragedy of 'la petite Typhaine'

This week, almost six months later, Willot, a hospital porter and voluntary fireman, led French and Belgian police to Typhaine's shallow grave in woodland in south central Belgium, 50 miles from their home. A few days earlier he told French investigators that Typhaine had died after she was hurled naked into a cold shower by her mother. This was, he said, a punishment for wetting the bed – a punishment that 'went wrong'.

Ms Faucheur at first insisted that there had been an "accident in the shower". She later confessed that her partner's version was correct.

The case is one of a series in recent years involving child abuse or extreme neglect amongst poor white French families, especially in the depressed ex-industrial towns of northern France. The case has also revived disturbing memories for the people of Belgium. The body of little Typhaine was found close to the village of Marcinelle, once the home of the convicted child murderer, Marc Dutroux.

Mr Willot told police the girl had frequently been "tortured" by her mother and that she had become the "whipping child of the family" (which included an older sister and a baby half-sister).

If so, Typhaine's martyrdom had not lasted long. One of the most disturbing facts of the case is that Ms Faucheur had herself kidnapped her daughter from outside a kindergarten in Lille only five months before. Until then, the little girl had been living with her paternal grandmother and her natural father, François Taton.

No attempt was made by the French legal system or social services or Mr Taton himself to reclaim the child. When Ms Faucheur and Mr Taton separated four years earlier, they had agreed informally to take one daughter each. Typhaine had gone with her father and her mother is said to have hardly known her before turning up at the school gates in Lille.

Ms Faucheur abducted the child by telling teachers that Typhaine's father was ill and could not come to collect her. Awkward questions are now being asked about why nothing was done to challenge Ms Faucheur's action, or at least investigate Typhaine's well-being in her new home. Raphael Théry, a lawyer representing Typhaine's father, said that his client had decided to accept the situation because "he placed his confidence in the mother. If a mother comes to claim her child, you imagine it is to give her affection and love".

It is now believed that Typhaine had been dead for four days before her disappearance was reported to police. Her body was kept for at least two days in the cellar of the family house at Aulnoye-Aymeries, near Maubeuge.

While Typhaine's body still lay in the cellar, her mother invited friends and family to a restaurant to celebrate the christening of her baby daughter. When they asked why Typhaine was not there, Ms Faucheur said that the little girl had been left at home to watch videos in case her natural father "took advantage of the party" to steal her back.

Willot explained to police that he had loaded the dead child into his van when he set out on one of his frequent trips across the border to Belgium to buy cheaper petrol. His choice of a burial place near the village once inhabited by Marc Dutroux, convicted in 2004 for multiple child murders, is believed to be a macabre coincidence.

The websites of French newspapers have been flooded with messages expressing shock at the "cold-blooded cheek" of the child's mother, who "made us all believe in her suffering". But many messages also query the legal and social welfare systems' failure to see the danger signs. The same questions are being asked by investigators and local politicians.

"It is easy to be wise after the event but there was a disturbing pattern," said one politician, who asked not be named. "Apart from the unchallenged abduction by her mother, there was the fact that Typhaine did not go to school and was rarely seen outside the house."

Even now, investigators are not convinced they have uncovered the full facts of the case. They fear that both mother and stepfather may have systematically mistreated Typhaine. For the time being, the couple have been accused of "mistreatment causing accidental death". A postmortem examination on the child's body will attempt to decide whether her injuries point to something more deliberate.

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  Tezza Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:53 pm

This case has been difficult to keep a track of, there have been few articles and what has been found has been translated via Google Translate. But the latest article is clear enough.
Typhaine died from the shock of being thrown naked into a freezing cold shower, as a 'punishment' for wetting the bed.

I can't write how I feel about any mother who can do such a callous thing and then She was reported Typhanie to have been abducted from under her nose on 14 June. It took almost six months for her step-father to confess and lead police to where he buried her body in a shallow grave. Both mother and step-father must now be brought to justics and pay for this terrible crime. Disposing of a corpse is just as callous as causing the death of a person, as far as I am concerned.

Another sad case of child abuse or extreme neglect amongst poor white French families.
The step-father told police that Typhanie had frequently been "tortured" by her mother and that she had become the "whipping child of the family" (which included an older sister and a baby half-sister).

One of the most disturbing facts of the case is that the mother had herself kidnapped her daughter from outside a kindergarten in Lille only five months before. Until then, the little Typhanie had been living with her paternal grandmother and her natural father. No attempt was made by the French legal system or social services or Mr Taton himself to reclaim Typhanie.

Typyhanie, I am so sorry that you was let down so badly by people in this life. I hope you are now in a much happier and peaceful place, free of an abuse or suffering. RIP.

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Birthday : 1971-04-23
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Registration date : 2008-08-07

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  merlynsam Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:09 am

Associated Free Press (Google Translation)

December 28 2009

Little Typhaine was buried in Mons-en-Baroeul

MONS-EN-BAROEUL, North - The funeral of the small religious Typhaine, died in June as a result of alleged mistreatment of his mother and stepfather, were celebrated Monday in Mons-en-Baroeul, near Lille.

Over 200 people attended a funeral service held at St Pierre de Mons in the presence of the child's father, Francis Taton, and his paternal grandparents, who have partially high.

Zena, five, whose body was found Dec. 9 in Belgium, based in a small white coffin adorned with white roses and daisies.

"What about before so much suffering?" What we feel has no words. We face the mystery of what hurts us, what made you evil, Zena, "he said in his homily Father Ivan Pagniez.

"There is anger, there may also violence, but there is only one answer: the love," he added.

Zena's uncle, David Pecqueur, and his paternal grandmother, Marie-José Taton, briefly paid tribute to the child in public speaking interspersed with gospel music. Mr. Pecqueur, the page support near Typhaine created on Facebook has collected 100,000 messages.

The burial took place afterwards in the privacy in Mons-en-Baroeul.

Having said that Zena had disappeared June 18 in the city of Maubeuge (Nord), her mother and her partner, Anne-Sophie and Nicolas Willot Reaper, admitted in early December that she had died at home on the evening of 10 June Aulnoye-Aymeries (North).

The authors suspected Typhaine died "under a cold shower" to a "punishment" that went wrong. They were indicted for assault and jailed fatal.

The child's body was found Dec. 9 in a forest on the outskirts of Charleroi, Belgium, at a location designated by his stepfather, who had himself buried. The exact causes of death are still unknown.

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  merlynsam Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:13 am

La Voix du Nord

Sunday, 10/01/2010, 05:02

A Mass for Typhaine


Eighty people attended yesterday, 18 hours, at St. Martin's Mass dedicated to the small Typhaine, children 5 years old, died in June at Aulnoye-Aymeries. ...

The Office, very collected, gathered a few more people than usual. In attendance were recognized Marie-José Taton, the paternal grandmother of the girl, came to Aulnoye-Aymeries with three other relatives.

"We do not need to pray for Typhaine as we know it is already with God. We need to pray for his family and for all child victims of violence, "said the abbot Cauvé celebrating mass.

The priest was also quoted about one of his neighbors from the death of the child. "Must be careful, everyone is capable of violence."

The Mass ended, members of the family of the girl ended up in front of the church in Le Jardin de Typhaine where roses have been filed.

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:39 am

La Voix du Nord (Google Translation)

Saturday, 13.03.2010

Francis Taton: "Nine months Typhaine died and I still do not know what ...",

He is still the same young man a little lost, a little distant. Not by mistrust, no, but rather because this is a lot for him. He is coping as best he can, he tries to find words, understands he is asked again and again the questions that are already running in his head for so long, but sometimes it stops in the middle of a sentence cut. And then you have to read the bottom of the intense gaze that you plant in your eyes all the turmoil within her.

Parquet evasive

"That nine-month wait. Nine months Typhaine died, although I do know that for three months, and I'm still nothing. I want someone to tell me what she finally died. "At night the body was found Typhaine in Marcinelle, near Charleroi, the Belgian authorities had announced an autopsy the next day. Obviously, he was immediately pointed out that the body being spent six months in the ground, it might be difficult to analyze the remains. "But now is a long time," said Raphael Théry. I do not know what to say to my client. "Counsel Douai understand if examinations were unable to take time, more time than usual, but ... "If there is a problem, they should tell us ..." In the legal department of Valenciennes, where the case is handled, it remains elusive. And the judge does not communicate. "She said Ms. Thery, of course, the file is getting thicker." But still nothing on the results of the autopsy.

"But most importantly, for me." Francis Taton takes a deep breath, and he'll look very far in him after his sentence: "I wonder if she died of her mother's hand or if it was an accident. "


Well, he did no more to say. He read the minutes of hearing of Anne-Sophie Reaper, of course (yesterday's edition), where she recounts the ill-treatment, cold shower in the evening of his death, but would like confirmation of the justice. Or clarification.

On his life today, what he exchanges with his mother, grandmother Typhaine very close, it does not extend. "He suffered many things, in the end." Rafael Théry It takes over, which protects it. Francis, he has conveyed the message that pierces and loose before it leaves a few words that speak volumes about the meeting he has set: "I know when the trial finally over ... "•

Number of posts : 4656
Registration date : 2008-08-08

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:45 am

La Voix du Nord (Google Translation)

Friday, 02.04.2010

The autopsy Typhaine does not establish the cause of death

Four months after the confession of Anne-Sophie Reaper and her companion, who led to the discovery of the body Typhaine in Belgium, the report of an autopsy on the girl has just been communicated to the lawyers. ...

"Overall, this report is consistent with statements by two young men before the magistrate," said Emmanuel Riglaire, their lawyer.

We know that Anne-Sophie Reaper has detailed, Dec. 17, in the office of the magistrate, what was life Typhaine when she went for her at her school to take her when she lived with his father in Mons-en-Baroeul. Basically, it was six months of suffering.


The autopsy confirms that Typhaine has been abused, beaten, until the fateful day that Anne-Sophie and Nicolas Reaper Willot set to June 10 of last year.

"But the autopsy did not determine the exact causes of death," says Mr. Riglaire. Further investigations should be requested, in the hope of achieving greater accuracy which could be fatal to the five year old girl.

According to her mother, she would have died after having long remained under a cold shower, despite attempts by Nicolas Willot, volunteer firefighter, to revive her.

A version could not be confirmed in the present state of things, so. The state of the body, which has spent six months in the ground, probably did not help the work of lawyers, but it nevertheless has several fractures, including a pelvis.

Ms. Raphael Théry, lawyer Francis Taton, father of the little Typhaine, would not comment on the record this new piece: "First I will announce it to my client and help to collect this new stage. "

Number of posts : 4656
Registration date : 2008-08-08

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TYPHAINE  TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France) Empty Re: TYPHAINE TATON - Aged 5 years - Maubeuge (France)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:50 am

La Voix du Nord (Google Translation)

Wednesday, 02.06.2010, 05:10


Typhaine's parents had an appointment with the juvenile judge Avesnes to talk about Caroline, the eldest sister

Yesterday afternoon, parents Typhaine, the granddaughter of Aulnoye-Aymeries reported missing from her mother and her partner in June 2009 and whose body was found in December, had an appointment with the juvenile court at the palace Justice Avesnes-sur-Helpe. A hearing to review the situation of older sister Typhaine, Caroline, and his half-sister Apollonia, both placed in the same host family. ...

From Anne-Sophie Reaper and his partner Nicolas Willot admitted late 2009 death Typhaine, Caroline, her older sister, Apollonia and her half-sister's daughter Anne-Sophie and Nicolas, the couple were dropped in jail and placed both in foster care. Remains in this dramatic story, a man, Francis Taton, father Typhaine, came yesterday to rendezvous with the juvenile court to discuss including the future of his eldest daughter Caroline.

It is primarily his former girlfriend, Anne-Sophie, protected from outside eyes, arrived in a police car to court Avesnes-sur-Helpe. It was a little under 14 hours. A few minutes later, impassive, Francis Taton, wearing a shirt and dark pants, was climbing alone, the courtroom steps. The hearing lasted two and a half hours after which it declined to say what state of mind he was six months after the announcement of the death of his daughter. It will perhaps later through his lawyer, Raphael Théry. But his blue eyes, yesterday reflected a certain emotion.

To date, the care of Caroline, 6 years in December 2009, remains unresolved. The girl, good student in school, lives with his half-sister Apollonia in foster care. "The lack of stability that could offer them was to leave them together when everything was on the day of the tornado arrest of Anne-Sophie and Nicolas, said yesterday about the girls, Mr. Emmanuel Riglaire The couple's lawyer in jail.

"All Guarantees"

Carolina will she live with her father soon? "We think that in the medium term, it will happen and that things fall into place for her to grow as a family and not with a foreign host family, she could find a daddy for the situation and mobilized circumstances. Obviously Anne-Sophie will accompany this project. She hopes that Caroline could eventually find his father on his side if it guarantees both. That as the days seem to be characterized, "said the lawyer still Typhaine mother and partner thereof, Nicolas Willot.

"Many wise and height from the attendees' opted yesterday Riglaire Me, audience. It is essential for Caroline and Apolline have a serene life, separate or together ...

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