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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:33 am (Google Translation)

October 1, 2009.

Marta's father Castle branded as "farce" the search for his daughter in the ditch

Antonio del Castillo, the father of the missing girl from Seville allegedly killed the night of 24 to 25 January, Marta Castillo Casanueva, today considered the search for the girl by the National Police in the ditch located near the home of former boyfriend and confessed murderer, Miguel Carcanoa "a farce" and acting "in the face to the gallery" .

Speaking to Europa Press, Antonio del Castillo influenced the fact that the search for her daughter at the location "seems more an act for the social media pressure and wanted a real search, he criticized that "four holes have been made for the record".

"That is not to search, search is something else," continued the father as the Young Seville, who asked the police to open the trench Science "by track and lays bare the pipeline which crosses the area "because" what is not acceptable is to say they are going to start the search and that only lasts six or seven hours ".

In this sense, Antonio del Castillo reported that the Forensic Science "even installed" in this area near the home of former girlfriend of Michael Carcaño a tent, which led him to believe that "This is a performance to the gallery "so the media can take pictures and subsequently transferred to the citizenship. "The police have not put much interest in search, "he added.

The maternal grandfather of the young also stressed the continued scouring the area of Twin in which the police and searched for several hours on Wednesday. José Antonio Casanueva still calling for an investigation Twin Hose Assembly speaker Maria's father.

Number of posts : 4656
Registration date : 2008-08-08

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:34 am

Think Spain

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Marta’s murder suspects to be tried by jury

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:05 am (Google Translation)

22 October 09

The prosecution wants to "El Cuco" 300 kilometers from the family of Martha Castle

The prosecution has asked the juvenile court number three in Seville for a restraining order that, once the regime of detention imposed on the minor known as 'The Cuckoo' (one of the main accused in the death of the young Marta Castillo night Jan. 24 at the home of her ex-boyfriend Michael Carcano) is completed on 16 November, the young man cannot come within 300 km of the city in which the family of the victim resides.

The lawyer representing the interests of children, Fernando de Pablos, reported that the Attorney General has requested the juvenile court for that measure, but clarified that if that judicial body has still not solved and the protection of children may still oppose the imposition of the restraining order.

The Office of Children, you will recall, had requested that after the expiry of the last extension of the detention regime imposed on 'The Cuckoo', something which will occur on November 16, the boy is transferred to a halfway house pending his trial. Since the current extended detention scheme ended on 16 November, the Office considered that in such dates could not be prosecuted the young, thus justifying his request regarding his transfer to a home tutored.

On this measure, Antonio del Castillo, father of the victim, said the possibility that 'The Cuckoo' leave the internment regime constitutes an entire "inconsistency" given the charges against him, so he regretted the "consequences of Juvenile Law, "because" is not the same "its current placement that life in" a house that we have to pay all the Spanish. " "It's ironic," he said.

In that sense, asked rhetorically whether due to his transfer to a home tutored, 'The Cuckoo' "can go out freely," but the chief prosecutor of Seville, Maria Jose Segarra, had said publicly that even if the child enjoys "another scheme of life" with his proposed transfer to a halfway house, was taken "due caution to ensure that no leak".

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:11 am

El Mundo (Google Translation)

23 October 2009

Marta's mother wants Castillo El Cuco to be guarded 24 hours a day

The mother of Martha del Castillo, Eva Casanueva, has ensured that the prosecution's request to relocate to El Cuco-accused in the disappearance and presumed murder of his daughter the night of 24 to 25 January-to a halfway house 300 miles from Seville "is not the most important", but the "really important issue is that he is guarded 24 hours a day."

Casanueva explained that the transfer of 'The Cuckoo' gives "exactly" because, she said, the child is not going to approach the area where the family of the missing girl lives or vice versa. She added that all he asks of this move is that the floor "is protected 24 hours a day."

In this sense, the missing girl's mother said that this latest news has been another "blow" to the family because, in their opinion that 'The Cuckoo' is in a halfway house means that "There is someone else involved in the street."

Finally, to Eva Casanueva, it is most important that her daughter "is found" because the girl's family was "badly burned" by the events of the past nine months. "For us the most important thing is that Marta Castillo is still missing and that causes pain," she concluded.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:20 am

Cadena (Google Translation)


By Ana Galdámez

Marta's mother complains that the law permits lying about the murderer of her daughter

This afternoon the residents of the Tartessos neighborhood are demonstrating to demand that the body of the girl, missing since the night of Jan. 24, is still looked for. Cadena Cope has talked with Eve Casanueva, Marta's mother, who claimed that the authorities can do nothing because the system of laws do not allow it.

According to Eva's mother, Marta del Castillo, "cannot tolerate that some individuals as they can resort to lying to protect themselves and are the protection of the law." Eva Casanueva explained to the radio station Cadena Cope that "The authorities are bound hand and foot and that the system of laws we have in Spain are prevented from doing more than they already do."

They are also grateful for the support they have received since the beginning from the whole society and that once again will become effective at the rally this afternoon. The main thing for the family is to continue searching for the body of Martha.

The march will start from the Tartessos neighbourhood at 18:00 pm and is scheduled to arrive at the new plaza at 20:00. Once there in Seville, the grandfather of the girl, José Antonio Casanueva will read a manifesto.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:35 am

Europa Press (Google Translation)

27 Oct. 2009

The judge in the case of Marta Castillo terminating the instruction

Francis Molina, Investigating Judge Sevilla 4 investigating the disappearance and alleged murder of the young Marta Castillo on the night of 24 to 25 January, has informed the parties to the process that within five days they are to request or not request further tests other than those that have been practiced so far.

In this regard, sources in the case of Europa Press reported that the parties have, from Tuesday, a period of five days to ask for those practices that they consider relevant evidence to clarify the case and the alleged role each of the four older defendants, including the confessed murderer, Michael Carcano, his brother Francisco Javier Delgado, the girlfriend, Maria Garcia, and Samuel Brown played in the crime.

In line with this, the same sources explained that in the case of an application for new evidence, Judge Francis Molina will decide whether or not they are carried out, after which will remain as steps in the process to be issued auto open trial and that the parts people get the letters of accusation and defense of their clients.

INSTRUCTION, nearly completed

With all this, the judge in Instruction No. 4 of Seville investigating the disappearance and alleged murder of the girl will be terminating the preliminary investigation without the girl's body having been found, which was sought (as will be recalled) in the Guadalquivir river, in Alcala de Guadaira landfill and in a ditch near the home of Twin Rocio, the lowest at which Michael Carcano had a romantic relationship.

In this case they are charged, in addition to four adults above the minor known as 'The Cuckoo', for whom the prosecution has asked the juvenile court number three in Seville for a restraining order so that once the end of the regime of detention happens on November 16, the youth cannot come within 300 kilometers of the city where the family of the victim resides.

The Office of Children, you will recall, had requested that after the expiry of the last extension of the detention regime imposed on 'The Cuckoo', something which will occur on November 16, the boy is transferred to a halfway house pending of the trial. Since the current extended detention scheme ended on 16 November, the Office considered that in such dates could not be prosecuted the young, thus justifying his request regarding his transfer to a home tutored.


On this measure, Antonio del Castillo, father of the victim, told Europa Press that the possibility of 'The Cuckoo' leaving the internment regime constitutes an entire "inconsistency" given the charges against him, so he regretted the "effects of the Juvenile Act," because "is not the same" its current placement that life in "a house that we have to pay all the Spanish." "It's ironic," he said.

Finally, the event sources to Europa Press reported that, finally and as the judge had informed the parties, the Scientific Police has found no traces of Marta del Castillo in the private car of Francisco Javier Delgado, brother of ex-boyfriend and alleged perpetrator in the death of the girl on the night of Jan. 24 in a house in the street number 78 Leo XIII.

In this line, the same sources said the analysis by the Forensic Science mitochondrial DNA of hair found in the private car of Francisco Javier have been negative, not being the girl's biological remains. However, it is the first time I asked Francis Molina analyzing remains of the car's brother Miguel Carcano, although the first time experts from the National Police were unable to achieve reliable results of the samples examined.

In that regard, the sources said, before analysis of mitochondrial DNA, the Judge of Instruction No. 4 of Seville had already ordered the nuclear DNA analysis of hair, not getting results, while no results were achieved on the genetic profile of the remains.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:44 am


28.10.09 | 13:00 pm

"I can not be satisfied because I do not know what happened to my daughter"

The family of the child confirms its surprise at the closure of the preliminary investigation
Casanueva Eva says she is not "satisfied" because he knows what happened to her daughter

The private prosecution had requested a new search of the ditch Beds

The judge investigating the death of young Marta del Castillo gave five days Tuesday to propose new measures before closing the investigation. Eva Casanueva, mother of the girl, has given an interview to Ana Rosa Program to explain his "surprise" of this decision. Marta's mother says she is not "satisfied" or may be pregnant because "we do not know what really happened."

The prosecutor, the prosecution exercised by the parents of the victim and the four defenses of the defendants have five days to request further evidence in the case of Marta Castillo. The judge has given this term before closing the investigation. Eva Casanueva, mother of the girl, received the news on Tuesday night and first thing in the morning confirmed that she was "surprised" at the end of the instruction. "We were caught by surprise by the end of instruction" said Eva Casanueva.

The family's main concern is that the search for Marta does not leave before this court decision. According to Eva Casanueva, the police and the researchers have confirmed that at the moment it is still being investigated. In addition, another concern is that there is sufficient evidence to convict Miguel Carcano and the other defendants. "According to counsel there is insufficient evidence for all who are charged" explains the girl's mother before specifying that Michael Carcano is charged with murder and the other defendants are charged with a crime of concealment.

However, despite the investigations and the progress made since the disappearance of her daughter, Eva Casanueva is not satisfied with the investigations. "If Marta does not appear, there will always remain the question of who really was involved and what happened to my daughter, " she explains.

For these reasons, she asks that the search for the body of the child is not abandoned. "I'm not happy because my daughter does not appear and we do not really know what happened. I cannot be satisfied because they know what happened. "

The family continues its struggle and has requested a new search. Eva Casanueva and her husband are awaiting the judge to authorise a new search into the ditch of beds where the former girlfriend of Michael Carcano said they had buried the body of Marta. But according to many residents of the area and the family of Martha, the area concerned in the search was open at the time of the disappearance of the girl.

Number of posts : 4656
Registration date : 2008-08-08

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:51 am


30.10.09 | 18:26 pm

Marta's father warns of "huge" risk of flight would lead to the freedom of Samuel

In three months, marks the provisional maximum that can be in prison

Antonio del Castillo, the father of young Seville Marta del Castillo Casanueva, warned of "enormous" risk of flight following the release Samuel Benitez after revelations that he must leave the jail within three months after reaching the maximum detention time for the crime of concealment with which he is charged.

The girl's father revealed that in the case of Samuel being set free, "it would be very easy to escape" before the trial, because "today, with open borders, he would only have to move to another country and then take a plane. "

In this sense, after asserting that "maybe Samuel not leak because it has a hard, but could get the money," Antonio del Castillo said that "the best thing would be to request an extension to keep the accused in prison, as least until the trial "because" if you are in prison that is something. "

"What we are protecting in jail over after we leave out" as he went on the girl's father allegedly killed, who criticized that in legislative matters and the protection of victims, the Spanish Justice "it is leaking everywhere."

Also, Antonio del Castillo put this in relation to the situation of children known as 'The Cuckoo', for whom the Prosecutor has requested a restraining order so that, once the Nov. 16 end of the inpatient weighing on it, cannot approach closer than 300 km from the city in which resides the family of the victim. "Everything that is happening cries to heaven," he concluded.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:02 am

Europa Press

3 Nov. 2009

Suspending the trial of vexatious calls to Marta's parents because it is a crime

The magistrate No. 16 Sevilla on Tuesday suspended the trial that was scheduled against a woman who allegedly made vexatious calls to the parents of Marta del Castillo, the missing girl who was allegedly killed on the night of 24 to 25 January.

In this regard, sources in the case of Europa Press reported that the hearing, scheduled to be held from 10:45 am today, was suspended following a request by the legal representation of the girl's parents, who have asked that the case is treated as a crime and not just as vexations as planned.

Thus, and once the petition, the court stayed the trial against the woman - who allegedly telephoned the parents of Martha saying "they were not going to see her again" - for later transfer to give people in different parts of the decision process.

I should mention that the parents of the young girl, Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanueva, did not come to the Courts today on the occasion of the hearing, which has been suspended "indefinitely," according to the same sources.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:27 am

Europa Press (Google Translation)


The judge held the defendant in prison for the disappearance of the corpse of Marta del Castillo

The judge investigating the death of the young Sevillian Marta del Castillo has denied the freedom sought by Samuel BP, a friend of the confessed murderer who is accused of helping to hide the body of the victim.

Sources have informed Efe that the judge has agreed that Samuel will remain in prison for the seriousness of the acts, cruelty, and the risk of him destroying evidence if he is released.

Samuel B.P. has been in unconditional prison since 17 February, accused of helping the confessed murderer, Michael CD, of dumping the body of Martha in a place that is still unknown.

This decision of the judge is when he reported late October the High Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) the youth has passed the three quarters of the maximum period that he may be on remand.

The defense filed an appeal for Samuel as a subsidiary of appeal to the Audiencia of Seville, acting possibly within the next week.

Defense sources told Efe expressed surprise at the fact that Judge Samuel asserted that he might destroy evidence and, paradoxically, they released the brother of the confessed murderer and his girlfriend, accused of the crime of concealment who had the same capacity to conceal potential evidence.

Moreover, at this stage of the process next to the submission of written statements of qualifications, there is no evidence that it destroyed all valid for the trial have been incorporated into the summary, according to the defense.

Regarding the alleged involvement of Samuel in the transfer of the body of Martha to an unknown destination, sources added that the alarm was withdrawn cause of imprisonment in the latest reform of the Criminal Procedure Act, so "the judge all you have to assess are the legal arguments.

Samuel denied from his first statement to the judge, held on 16 February, having participated in transporting the body of Martha or have known about her murder in the days after, and attributed his first confession to police threats.

The boy remains in prison since 17 February, eight months ago, but his lawyer has already asked twice for freedom given that the maximum penalty for both crimes against him are: three years in prison for the crime of concealment and maximum sentence of five months for desecration of corpses.

For the rape and murder of Marta, which occurred on January 24, her former boyfriend Miguel CD is in prison for unconditional time and a child who was then 15 years is also charged with the same offence.

This child will be released from the Juvenile Centre on November 16 where he remains hospitalized and will enter a halfway house after spending more than nine months on remand - the maximum specified in the law.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:40 am

El Mundo (Google Translation)

Sunday 08/11/2009 10:30 am

Marta's parents believe that 'the police protecting the girlfriend of Michael Carcano'

A point of closing the judicial investigation, the parents of Marta del Castillo have no doubt about the guilt of all suspects in the alleged death of the girl, though many unanswered questions about the controversial police investigation, which attributed many of the uncertainties that still clouds the case being, of course, the most important of which is where is Marta's body?

At the meeting held with digital, Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanueva, who had to leave dozens of unanswered questions about the lack of time, have said they believe likely that the body of the girl is in a ditch, a view also shared by neighbours who have wanted to search on their own. However, they have had to repress this desire to dig so as not to suppress evidence.

However, the discourse of this Sevillian family is restrained under the circumstances. They reject the death penalty but want life imprisonment, and demand justice, although aware that "as parents, it will never be enough", despite which "we do not want the eye for an eye and tooth for tooth" .

These parents also maintain that the police know some versions of the crime that Michael Carcano Marta has been in prison for but which are not publicly known, though, they still "have not done anything about it. An alleged failure who do not understand, nor the failure to take into consideration the statement of a witness who said she saw two of the accused by the Barqueta.

The origin of these apparent contradictions and injustices is due, the del Castillo family said, to the errors of the inquiry: "Who did his job well was the police in the early stages of research. Everyone knows that the early hours in a disappearance are crucial. And then failed the police and law enforcement agencies. They thought it was another teenager over 17 years would return the next day to his house, sinned through pride, believed that teens know better than their own parents".

Therefore argue for allowing the police return to question all the suspects. "We would like the Police re-examine the accused," they argue, convinced of his guilt: "Everyone has played a role. They all the same ilk, is like a wolf pack which did not differ from each others ".

In fact, rule out any other motive for the crime, beyond the reactions of some unscrupulous brats "and considered essential to involve all the defendants because "Michael just could kill her. But he could not dispose of the body only".

Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanueva, who would be willing to talk to the confessed murderer of her daughter, let them also suspect that the lower ex-girlfriend of Michael and his family knows more than he has said so far, "but not Police know why this family protects both. "

On the possibility that any of the accused is innocent and that family's ordeal, Marta's parents are also emphatic: "No ordeal is as strong as we are going through us. In the end, if incocentes, these other families will their children. A mine that was innocent, we do not. do not even have his body. We change for them, without hesitation.

In any case, the parents of Martha continue their struggle, both to know the whereabouts of her daughter's body as in making the Law of Least change to prevent minors for protection in cases like this, and the admission the enforcement of imprisonment.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:55 am

Tuesday , 10-11-09

The judge states that "El Cuco" go to a halfway house 50 kilometers from Sevilla

The juvenile court number three in Seville has agreed that the minor known as "El Cuco", indicted on the disappearance and presumed murder of the young Marta del Castillo Casanueva on the night of 24 to 25 January, is to go to a halfway house in Andalusian once he leaves the juvenile facility on Monday November 16.

In this regard, sources in the case of Europa Press reported that the juvenile judge number 3 has been established for the juvenile a restraining order of 50 kilometers from Seville and therefore a halfway house will dependent on the Regional Administration in which, according to the judge's order, must remain secure, whilst pending trial.

In line with this, we must remember that the prosecution had asked for a restraining order on "El Cuco" of 300 km from the city of Seville where the family of the victim resides.

All this because the next Monday, 16 November expiry of the last extension of the detention regime imposed on the child. Thus, according to the Act, the maximum time for minors is nine months.

On this measure, Antonio del Castillo, Father of the victim, told Europa Press that "what matters is not the distance, and if it is 300 or 50 kilometers, for neither I'm going to meet him nor he with me" but that he is "really is guarded 24 hours a day, which is a utopia and a real lie."

In this line, the father of Martha del Castillo gave the example that "if each of these wards there are eight lower floors and only two monitors, it is impossible to provide the necessary vigilance. "The distance matters little in this case, but our concern is that he is to be properly monitored," he said.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:13 am


10.11.09 | 15:55 h.

The police returned to the trench beds

The judge calls seeking information on the ground for a possible new search

The family has asked repeatedly to look in another area of the trench

Marta's family is constantly fighting for the body to be found. The parents of the child and the neighbors called for a new search in an area of the ditch beds where they had not sought. Now it appears that the judge was in favor of this new tracking. Police have returned to the ditch beds to collect information on the ground the same day the judge issued an order on the feasibility of reopening the trench.

A lawyer for the parents of Martha del Castillo Casanueva, the young Seville missing and presumed murdered the night of 24 to 25 January presented on Wednesday, 4 November, a letter in the Magistrate's Court number 4, which seeks a return for the body in the ditch of the town of Camas located near the home of former girlfriend confessed murderer, Miguel Carcano.

Sources close to the case explained that the letter was intended that the judge order the Security Forces of the State to reopen the ditch, but the search that the family referred calls to an area near where the last sought September in which there is located a pipeline, "region during the period of the disappearance of the young man was open."

The judge has asked the police to make a report to determine the feasibility of re-locate the body of the girl from Seville, in the area of beds.

With this, the new chief judge serves the evidence requested by the private prosecutor who represents the family of Martha and says "coming investigate the suitability, viability instrumentality and visual inspection, with excavation or movement of land" in that particular area proposed by that party.

Part separated from the case

The judge could also admit some evidence of recent proposals by the parties, which still would not give open-ended summary for this cause.

Although it is closing its day in the main, there is a separate piece on the "continued efforts to search for and locate" the body that is still open until it can appear, as stated in the order issued today by Judge without affecting "normal progression of the primary process."

According to the indictment, it is possible "consistent progress" the procedural although "coexist" with the police investigation designed to find and locate the body, and "never ceases and never cease until you see the body of the victim."

In that piece separate "tirelessly be agreed at any time present or future, few steps are necessary to complete the investigation of all the assumptions, which are remote, capable of throwing light on the whereabouts of the body of the child" as " it's always been, "according to the order, which highlights the" persistent display of effort, professional delivery and selfless dedication "of all police officers from the start.

Remember that last September 30 was carried out a search in the ditch , Following an order issued by the investigating judge of the case, although the body was found, all following a statement made at police headquarters by the former girlfriend of Michael Carcano in which she said that Michael had confessed he had hidden the body in this area.

Number of posts : 4656
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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:32 am

Diario de Seville (Google Translation)

12.11.2009 - 19:29

By Fernando Perez Avila

Police visited the Twin trench indicated by the family of Marta

Officials prepare a report on the possibilities of re-locating the body in the neighborhood of Caño Ronco

The National Police began yesterday to inspect the trench of beds which the family of Marta del Castillo has requested to locate the girl who went missing on Jan. 24. The superintendent of the Judicial Police, Manuel Piedrabuena, and the head of Specialist Crime Unit and Violent (udev) of the police in Seville yesterday visited the area in which the family suspects that Marta's body could be, in pursuant to an order issued Tuesday by the judge in Instruction 4, Francisco de Asis de Molina, who asked for the police opinion on the appropriateness of reopening the trench.

Besides these visual inspections, agents are contacting specialized companies to see if it is possible to reopen the ditch, as was stated by Director General of Police and Civil Guard, Francisco Velazquez, during the presentation ceremony of new officers. Velazquez also advanced that the report requested by the judge will be delivered "very soon" but would not comment on whether police must look for the body in this place or not.

This is a ditch about twenty meters where a drain is installed that empties into a canal, different from the old bed of the stream Cano Ronco in which shook the ground already. The former girlfriend of Michael Carcano was the one who told the police that he had told her he had thrown the body of Martha on this site. During this week have stated before the Juvenile Panel of the National Police at least seven residents of the neighborhood Caño Ronco. All these pictures have confirmed that the ditch was open on the night Marta del Castillo disappeared, the 24 to 25 January.

The police officials who visited the trench met yesterday with the grandfather of Marta, José Antonio Casanueva, who spent the morning in Camas also inspecting the trench. "We do not know whether to search here or not, are considering how they could do. I hope they do because there's no harm in reopening the trench. That would be a relief for the family. Please are in will be one more lie of many that have had and we'll remove that weight off, "said the grandfather.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:41 am (Google Translation)

Thursday , 12-11-09 at 16 : 41

The transfer of "The Cuckoo" to a group home will occur during the day

The Minister of Justice and Public Administration, Begoña Álvarez, announced that the transfer to a halfway house of the Andalusian child known as 'The Cuckoo', charged with the disappearance and presumed murder of the young Marta del Castillo Casanueva on the night of 24 to 25 January, will occur during the day, though the exact time when they leave the juvenile facility has not specified.

This decision follows the agreement adopted by the juvenile court number 3 in Seville, has also set for a restraining order less than 50 kilometers from Seville and, therefore, the girl's family in Seville, so that will go to a halfway house dependent the Regional Administration which, according to the judge's order, must remain secure, all the pending trial.

Joint work with prosecutorsAt a press conference in Seville to provide information on the policies undertaken by his department in the Administration of Justice in Andalusia, the autonomous responsibility of Justice has stated that his department "is working" with the prosecution, "according to the guidelines and recommendations that we are giving service and making those means which seem most appropriate "in this case.

In line with this, Alvarez explained that the extent of returning a child to a halfway house where he will receive surveillance "special" is a 'more', stating that in that flat the shortest known as 'The Cuckoo' "coexist with other minors and with displays that you shall keep.
In this regard, the Minister of Justice and Public Administration has stated that the measure applied in this case charged by Marta del Castillo "attempts to integrate the child with a group of children like him," all while "monitoring" their day a day, "continues" with his rehabilitation and "still working" with his family and immediate environment.

Asked by surveillance "special" will receive 'The Cuckoo' as agreed by the Juvenile Court, the branch responsible has eluded provide specific figures, but insisted that "we have followed the instructions of Attorney." "We do what we so far only indicated and run, So if this measure says that we should put a special watch, we put this, "he concluded.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:48 am

Europa Press (Google Translation)

15/11/2009 17:33 hours

A 'moving tribute "in memory of Marta del Castillo

Marta del Castillo's father has stated today, following the bands contest held in honour of his daughter, that it "has been a very emotional act, " a view also shared by his wife Eva Casanueva, adding that this shows once again "as acts of solidarity that we receive and for which we are grateful."

Antonio del Castillo said he has been "a very emotional ceremony because my daughter really liked Easter and bands, "and went on to say that" as I said on another occasion, when we were still at Christmas, she was listening to bands Easter.

Furthermore, the father of the girl revealed that the timing of Seville "more emotional" act "was when he played Gypsies"Because, he said," has always been to her something very special had a weakness for this march, although he liked all of Holy Week.

The pageant of bands has been Platform organized by Marta Castillo in tribute to the young Seville and have participated in musical groups Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno de La Algaba; Our Father Jesus of Health and Gypsies; Nuestro Padre Jesús del Soberano Poder de Alcalá de Guadaira, as well as the children's band trumpets and drums of the same name.

The contest was developed in the clearing next to the neighborhood association TurdetaniaIn the neighborhood of Tartessos Seville, and also have turned the girl's parents, Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanueva, and other relatives and neighbors of the neighborhood.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:00 am


Marta del Castillo, case open

This morning a 20-year-old Miguel Carcano, ate breakfast like every morning. But another young woman cannot do that, Marta del Castillo, who would now be 18, but when he killed a year ago today, at his home in Seville, he confessed he was 17. Both had been engaged for a short period of time. The young Martha could have been included among the 55 victims of gender violence in Spain last year. But if Martha was and remains something else and not only because of media coverage and shock caused her adisappearance and death in Seville and the rest of the country. A year later her body is still missing, despite an intense police search. Five defendants, including the confessed murderer, Michael Carcano, the only one in prison. Your breakfast will be in jail today Moron. The remaining, including a minor, are free pending trial, whose proceedings are near completion.

But the "Marta del Castillo case 'not over or close to his body appears.


A tangle of lies and different versions of the accused about what happened the morning of 24 to 25 January 2009 is the root of the failed search for Marta. The main defendant, Miguel Carcano said first killed her by hitting her with an ashtray in his house in Calle Leon XIII in Seville in a discussion, and his friends Samuel J. Benitez M. El Cuco helped him throw the body into the river Guadalquivir. Then he said that he had been placed in a container. On another occasion he said that 'The Cuckoo' and he had tried to abuse of Martha and the child had strangled. In this confession exonerating Samuel. In his last statement back to the first version, that is, he killed her with an ashtray, but not raped. The other defendants argue that they have nothing to do, although in a first statement as 'The Cuckoo' as Samuel admitted their involvement.

Three searches

As a result of the different versions, the Civil Guard police and organized several searches. First in the river, which dived more than 80 kilometers, then the Alcalá de Guadaíra landfill, costing the government delegate in Andalucía, Juan José López Garzón, has reported it added 200,000. The search continued in beds next to the house of an ex girlfriend Carcano, a 14-year-old Rocio, with whom she lived after the crime. All investigations have failed.

Police are still searching. It does not say where or what new tracks is to avoid falling back into the media pressure that had previous searches, but is in it, according to this newspaper confirmed police sources.

Jury and defense

The judge, Francis Molina, agreed that the four defendants are tried as adults Jury Act, which satisfied the family. The child will be for a juvenile court. The indictment calls for the two trials were held simultaneously. After a year, the Office has a clear statement of the facts and accused Carcaño and less than murder and rape. The rest of concealing the crime.

The defense lawyers claim the difficulty of prosecuting a case of rape charge when there is no corpse. In a statement sent to the agencies, Carcano's lawyer, Paloma Pérez Sendino (the third in a year), has said that without the body, could be given for good his first statement, that there was rape and killed Marta a hit with an ashtray.

The word most often heard these days in law enforcement environments, the family court and when the balance is "frustration." And the worst: the suffering of the family, especially parents, Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanova, a young couple with two young daughters who want to see Marta buried in order to, somehow, to rebuild their lives after the long illness.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:08 am

Wednesday 27/01/2010

The family believes that Michael and 'Cuco' killed Marta after rape

Marta's parents have chosen Castle. Of all the versions of the disappearance and death of her daughter have appeared in the last year stay with the one that offered a confessed murderer, Michael Carcano, 19 March, one that indicated the child nicknamed the Cuckoo and himself as the perpetrators of the murder of 17 year old, which had previously violated.

Has been told WORLD Andalusia, the indictment to be presented Wednesday at the trial lawyer Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanueva include an account of the events of January 24 essentially coincides with the confession of the Carcano March 19 and will acknowledge, therefore, the latter of an alleged crime of murder and one sexual assault.

For the prosecution, has been shown to Michael and the Cuckoo assaulted, raped and then suffocated to death Marta the evening of January 24 on the ground that the first shared with his brother Leo XIII on the street in the neighborhood of La Macarena. And, to that end, they used a cable with which strangled Marta, whose body did disappear after assisted the other defendants.

Del Castillo family does not condone any of the four major processes Cuckoo-old will be tried in a separate process, and all claim a prison sentence on the basis of the responsibility attributed to each of them.

So, Samuel Benítez, Javier Delgado and her partner, Maria Garcia are accused of covering up or threats, as appropriate, written according to the counsel signing José María Calero (the firm Montero Aramburu), also complains that the four a alleged desecration of a corpseBecause, in his view, hid the body of Marta and prevented her family from burying her.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:14 am


Prosecutor demands 52 years for the murderer of Martha

The Prosecution has requested Sevilla 52 years in prison for Michael Carcano, confessed murderer of the young Seville Marta del Castillo, for the alleged crimes of murder, sexual assault and one's moral integrity, while calling for eight years for his brother, Francisco Javier Delgado, and five for his girlfriend, Maria Garcia, and Samuel Benitez. The request to Javier GM jail, 'Cuckoo', to be tried in Juvenile Court, will be announced in coming weeks as defense counsel has requested the transcript of the intercepted conversations while he was hospitalized.

The Public Prosecutor yesterday presented his indictment, which charged them all a crime against the person, because, he argues, "all this time, the accused, so stubborn, refused to say what fate Marta gave the body, even to offer different versions, all erratic, on this point. "

"Moral damage"

According to the chief prosecutor said Sevilla, José María Segarra, also calls for the defendants jointly and severally indemnify the Ministry of Interior in 616,000 euros, the amount by which the search-figure of the body of Marta both the Guadalquivir River and at the landfill Alcala de Guadaíra and the town of Camas. In addition, claims that pay 160,000 euros in solidarity to the parents of the young, Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanueva, and 30,000 euros for each of the two sisters, all for "moral damage resulting from the death of his daughter and sister, respectively, and by the increase in pain and outrage to his innermost feelings resulting from the impossibility of having been buried the body of Martha. "

Thus, the prosecutor stated in his indictment's account of events that have already performed the first appearance of complaint after the initiation of proceedings by jury, in which he declared were tested Miguel and 'Cuco' who raped and Marta del Castillo killed. Thus, it makes a chronological account of the facts but not target a specific time when they could have taken place with the disappearance and subsequent death on the night of 24 to 25 January last year.

Antonio del Castillo, the father of the girl, wanted to publicly congratulate the Office after meeting his request of 52 years imprisonment for the confessed murderer, a year and seven months longer than the private prosecution exercised by the family, and expressed his hope you do not run "only in a petition, but to ratify the jury and the judge." The parent referred to that indicated by the chief prosecutor of Sevilla, who explained that in the case of Miguel Carcano may apply the maximum penalties provided for in compliance with the Penal Code, which is 25 years. "That's the trouble, then goes on television as the justice minister, Francisco Caamaño, saying they are 40 years when we all know this is a lie", criticized Antonio del Castillo.


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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:20 am


Tuesday 02/03/2010

Carcaño Miguel's girlfriend tells yet another place to find the corpse of the young girl

Rocío, the youngest of the Seville town of Camas with which it has maintained a relationship Miguel Carcano, the confessed murderer of the young Marta del Castillo Casanueva, ratified on Tuesday at the National Police Beds area where Carcaño would have confessed that he hid the body.

Sources have reported that case has Rocío person before the Juvenile Panel of the National Police (Gruma) in order to return to influence in the area where according to the confession of Carcano, Would the body of the missing girl and allegedly killed the night of 24 to 25 last January 2009.

Thus, the same sources indicated that the area designated by Rocío is different from that targeted by the family of Marta del Castillo and also one in which they sought out late last year without success, because, according to the sources is a tract of land that has only been the subject of visual recognition and who have not accessed the various earth-moving machines.

In his appearance before the clot, the least picked up his citation for the next day 12, the date for which the magistrate No. 4 has set a preliminary hearing prior to referral to the Office of the Jury, a views which are also referred to his mother, stepfather, brother, Her sister and grandmother, although the health status of the latter "makes complicated" to appear.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:24 am



Lawyers disagree after teaching the TS and warn of the risk of "nullity" if the trial is by jury Marta

The lawyers of the accused in the disappearance and presumed murder of the young Seville Marta del Castillo Casanueva the night of 24 to 25 January of last year 2009 have expressed their differences after the Supreme Court doctrine that extends the crimes within the jurisdiction of court jury, some of these lawyers warning of the risk of "nullity" that could lead to holding a full hearing with a jury without regard to the positioning of the Supreme, the sources consulted by Europa Press.

The lawyers of the accused in the disappearance and presumed murder of the young Seville Marta del Castillo Casanueva the night of 24 to 25 January of last year 2009 have expressed their differences after the Supreme Court doctrine that extends the crimes within the jurisdiction of court jury, some of these lawyers warning of the risk of "nullity" that could lead to holding a full hearing with a jury without regard to the positioning of the Supreme, the sources consulted by Europa Press.

The high court has established that correspond to the jury those behaviors whose main objective is the realization of an offense described in Article 1.2 of the Organic Law of Court Jury (Lotje). The debate in the Supreme discrepancy was due to the implementation of Lotje observed in various provincial hearings on article 5.2 of this standard - on the extension of the competence of these bodies to the prosecution of related crimes - to be causes that are attributed to the accused crimes such as homicide, which correspond to the jury, and others such as sexual abuse, within the jurisdiction of ordinary courts.

Under Article 1.2 of the Lotje correspond to the jury the crimes of homicide and infanticide, infidelity in the custody of prisoners and in the custody of documents, bribery and misappropriation of public funds, fraud and extortion, officials and prohibited negotiations traffic influences, failure to provide relief, burglary, threats and environmental crime.

Thus, the lawyer who represents Francisco Javier Delgado, José Manuel Carrión, revealed told Europa Press that after the new doctrine of TS on the powers of a jury, "is overwhelmingly clear that the case of Marta del Castillo is excluded from the jurisdiction of the court's jury ", adding that he has to decide now on whether or not to continue the process of the law is Judge Jury Instruction No. 4, Francis Molina.

In this regard, Carrion said the judge should decide on this issue in the procedural stage, in this case when they held a preliminary hearing in which the four older defendants know the crimes he is charged, and asserted that finally, if the case is tried by a jury, "there is a risk of an appeal to the Supreme Court and declare this a mistrial."


In line with this, the lawyer for the brother of Miguel Carcano called for "further proceedings not generate when they are unnecessary", announcing that, in your case, put in the statement of defense of its position after the new doctrine of the Supreme Court in order that the accused be tried by professional judges, because, he insisted, "has been overwhelmingly clear that the case of Marta is excluded from the jurisdiction of the jury."

For his part, counsel for Samuel Benitez, Manuel Caballero, told Europa Press that the Supreme approach is "wrong", since in his view, "the question should be what is the criterion to adopt when there is no physical evidence the existence of rape and the only evidence they have is the multiple version changes Miguel Carcano before the Court. " Furthermore, counsel for Michael Carcano is currently studying the new doctrine pronounced by the Supreme.

The prosecution has requested Seville 52 years in prison for Miguel Carcano - a year and seven months that the private prosecution exercised by the family - the confessed murderer of the young Seville Marta del Castillo, for the alleged crimes of murder, two sexual assault crimes and one's moral integrity, while calling for eight years in prison for his brother, Francisco Javier Delgado, and five for Samuel Benitez and Maria Garcia.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:31 am


The trial judge finds that Martin is a professional who directs court trial

The judge of the Audiencia Provincial de Sevilla Javier Gonzalez, who was appointed to preside over the jury trial for the disappearance and murder of the young Seville Marta del Castillo Casanueva, has issued a decree in which it finds to be professional and not a court a jury that prosecution of four defendants over age as Miguel Carcano, his brother Francisco Javier Delgado, Maria Garcia and Samuel Benitez.

In order issued last August 13 and is being reported now for the parties in these proceedings, Judge Javier González is based on two plenary agreements adopted by the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court as to the length of trials jury for certain crimes related to state that the jurisdiction to try the facts of the case corresponds to the Provincial Court through one of its sections, having to adapt their processing to the rules of the regular process.

In the order of 12 folios, which has had access Europa Press and can be appealed within ten days before the High Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA), the judge decided in this way the preliminary issue raised by counsel Michael Carcano, his brother and Maria Garcia, who had argued the "inadequacy of the procedure" and that competition for the Prosecution of events corresponded to a bench of the Provincial Court.

In line with this, the judge recalled that in his account of the facts, the complainant exercised by the father of Marta del Castillo "criticizes authors who considered sexual assault and death of the victim - Miguel Carcano and lower old known as the 'Cuco' - killing him to prevent the facts could be discovered who had just carried out, ie sexual assault. "


Regarding the Public Ministry, said that in his indictment, "does not expressly mode for the previous charge that the previous relationship between sexual assault and murder of the victim immediately, though, notwithstanding the foregoing, "his factual narrative logic makes sense from the perspective expressly stated" by the prosecution, "given that the behavior described by Miguel and minor" expressed sequences advocate a general activity to conceal violations " .

Further notes that the prosecution previously, "and specifically held that functional or instrumental relationship of the violent death of the victim of rape to avoid detection of these recent crimes."

In summary, the judge says that the ratings of the parties "do not raise any doubt about which was the main objective of the perpetrators," noting that between the order of the first section delivered on October 7, 2009 reaffirming that the trial was by jury and the order issued to date there have been two decisions by the Second Chamber of the Supreme who argue that the competence of the jury understood the predicate offense is committed if the main objective to carry out a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court of the jury.

In this line, notes that, "applying to the case file the case law set forth, with the purpose of sexual assault crimes, which do not fall within the Jury Court, and not appreciating the combination of data to assess the possibility of prosecution separate offense, competition for such prosecution is for the Provincial Court. "


"It is the duty of the magistrate to decide how to decide by the requirements of the Act and the interpretation of it does the Supreme Court, avoidance, by extension, any future cancellations of the process", continued the magistrate, who has given this car the middle of August, after enabling it, "to avoid delays" and given that the main accused remains in custody and that it is a proceeding before the Tribunal of the Jury.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:38 am



Marta's family in Camas suspended the search until next week
The storm has prevented further searching for the body of the young girl
A group of volunteers tracked a private estate with picks and shovels

The family of Martin del Castillo Casanueva has completed the search for the body of the girl, began in the early hours of the day in a ditch near the town of Camas pending to improve the storm. This decision has been "personal" and not respond, therefore, any decision or law enforcement or judicial. In this same place and sought previously to no avail.

In this sense, the girl's grandfather, José Antonio Casanueva, said the search, which involved a dozen people with picks and shovels, has been given with the idea of restarting is completed next week.

Thus, José Antonio Casanueva explained that on Wednesday were limited to clear the area, inhabited by abundant weeds and brambles, specifying that have acted on a space of about ten feet wide by 20 long.

In line with this, the grandfather of Marta del Castillo has stated that, in case they find a "trace" to invite to think the girl's body is in that space, they would contact the Scientific Police.

Miguel Carcano said this place

Javier Casanueva, the girl's uncle, recalled that Dew, former girlfriend of the murderer confessed, Miguel Carcano, had already declared that this was the area where the latter said he had deposited the corpse.

In addition, the family insists on looking there because some viewers have pointed out the area.

In the trial, both the prosecution and private prosecution presented their closing arguments. Marta's family has asked for Miguel Carcano, the confessed murderer, 50 years and five months in jail. The prosecutor added two more years and added the crime, for the four seniors, against the moral integrity to bear in mind that "all this time, the accused, so stubborn, refused to say what fate gave the Marta's body, even to offer different versions, all erratic, on this point "and caused" pain "to the family.

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:42 am


The hope of finding Marta

With shovels, picks and, above all, hope, much hope, José Antonio Casanueva, Marta's grandfather, was headed Wednesday to an open space outside of Camas (Sevilla) to try to find some indication that the body of her granddaughter is in this place. Aided by friends and neighbors, the family of Marta del Castillo, who distrusts the police efforts, has decided to initiate a search on their own in the immediate vicinity of the last girlfriend told a confessed murderer of his contradictory statements , and according to neighbors dump was used then.

Weight "to stay home when there is a hint, a possibility 'even remotely locate the body of Martha" is unbearable, "says Javier Casanueva, uncle of the child. Hence they have decided to "exhaust all the cartridges' by implausible they are. Casanueva that the idea came after the police report in which discouraged the search in an area known as Caño Camas and near Ronco Spray the house, the girlfriend of Miguel Carcano on the dates and which disappeared Marta family lived for a time until his arrest on February 13, 2009.
In his last statement, this girl of 14 years said that Michael had confessed that he threw the body there in an open trench at the time for pipeline construction and, according to some residents, was blocked soon after. The land had been combed by police without finding any evidence, even if the family felt that that search was a "ghost" made "in view of the gallery" at the speed with which was carried out (just a few days) and the low land bounded.

Castillo's lawyer then claimed the new track. But the judge denied the request, arguing that "not based on rigorous evidence." A decision that is appealed to the Provincial Court has determined that the family did not examine the trench but the field around, "which only became a visual journey."

"It is not unreasonable, nor do we want to stay with regret tomorrow, had not searched enough," reiterates Javier Casanueva, after noting that "police has almost exhausted the possibilities." "We just want to relax and know where," reiterates the mother of Martha, Eva, repeating a phrase that your family knows to the perfection of both listen. "We know she is dead because the liar (Miguel Carcano) has said it, but I have no body."

Therefore, the grandfather, José Antonio Casanueva, the family raised the possibility of starting the search in the reeds surrounding the ditch. "There are many coincidences," he explains to justify the choice of the site.

And is that the statement of confessed murderer's girlfriend join two other versions "of a soothsayer (I guess a sort of hidden elements located underground) from Barcelona who contacted me and told me to look at the wasteland Marta , and a lady from Almeria who underwent one session of hypnosis and then accompanied me to the spot and placed a bouquet of flowers under a tree in the same area. " "I was stunned because it was the same place," he says.

After receiving authorization from the property owner, neighbors and family friends accompanied José Antonio on Wednesday to clear land of weeds. "There will be lifted much, because if (the body) were here I do not think you reach two meters in depth of a normal burial," he explains.

"I respect all those ideas, but three matches," insists Martin's grandfather to try to justify the value of the evidence on which it rests, "not crazy, but another thing that we've been doing to find the girl. " And immediately afterwards confesses that "do not lose hope, so I look at each site that tells me."

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MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain) - Page 2 Empty Re: MARTA DEL CASTILLO CASANUEVA - Aged 17 years - Seville (Spain)

Post  merlynsam Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:46 am


The Provincial Court order for the body of Marta again in ditch beds

The bulldozers will return to remove soil from the Seville town of Camas in search of the body of Marta del Castillo. He has decided Audiencia Provincial de Sevilla, and revoking the decision of the judge, who rejected several times the request of the family after the National Police dismissed a report that the body of the young may be in the municipality ram.

Has been told WORLD Andalusia, the judges of the First decided, after hearing that concluded on Wednesday upheld the parents had raised Marta, Antonio del Castillo and Eva Casanueva. They also agreed separately investigate the alleged threats by the murderer's brother confessed.

According to the court presiding Ugena Joaquín Sánchez, who has advanced some lawyers Friday to people a sense of resolution, which formally notified them next weekThere is sufficient evidence pointing to the girl's body could be hidden in the place pointed to by the family, a few meters from the old bed of the stream already opened Caño Ronco court ordered police last October.

The family of the missing girl and allegedly killed the night of 24 to 25 January 2009 in Seville last year is so convinced that Martin's body is in Camas that even has started his own search for the body of the young in a ditch near the town of Camas which already searched with negative results before a decision to "personal" and does not respond, therefore, any decision or law enforcement or judicial.

It was not the only judge who opposed the initiative. Just Wednesday, the prosecution also showed his opposition to the request of the parents of Martha del Castillo, in addition to wanting to be back look for the body in a ditch Beds, also sought to expand the case to a new crime threats by the brother of alleged murderer of his girlfriend.

In this sense, just 24 hours ago Miguel Carcano, the confessed murderer of Martha del Castillo, announced its refusal to pay 600,000 euros over the three operations that cost search the body of his ex-girlfriend. Why? Because, according to his lawyer he is not responsible for the National Police out "running" to dredge the river, the rubbish dump of Alcalá de Guadaíra and trench digging in beds after each of his confessions . While this is settled, in any case, now operating quarter begins.
Threats Miguel's girlfriend

They also agreed that the alleged threats made by Francisco Javier MD, brother of the confessed murderer against her brother's girlfriend, continuing research in a separate procedure to the death of the young against the request of the parents of the victim to unify the two cases.

Of course, the audience, according to sources, has rejected another request by the parents of Martha to incorporate a new criminal case of threats and obstruction of justice, allegedly committed by Francisco Javier MD, brother of the confessed murderer, to coerce Miguel's girlfriend.

This 15 year old girl, who lives in beds next to the trench that is to reopen, said one of his statements to police that Francisco Javier threatened to "beat up" and "slit her mother" if he told what allegedly had confessed Miguel crime.

Judge of Instruction 4 of Seville has agreed to process this alleged crime separate crime of Martha, which has been confirmed by the Court.

If sources have indicated that this decision will proceed with processing the case for the death of Marta, Where the Prosecutor has already requested 52 years in prison for allegedly confessed murderer of two counts of rape and a murder, compared with three years for a reckless homicide recognizing his defense. If this new offense is now incorporated actions, force a return to present the letters of accusation and defense.

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