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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Grant Grandma
pam supportfromireland
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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Twiglet Mon May 23, 2011 10:13 pm


LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Lag10

Case Type: Family Abduction
DOB: Dec 11, 2006
Sex: Male
Missing Date: Apr 15, 2011
Age Now: 4
Missing City: DALLAS
Missing State : GA
Missing Country: United States
Race: White
Height: 3'4" (102 cm)
Weight: 38 lbs (17 kg)
Hair Color: Sandy
Eye Color: Hazel

Case Number: NCMC1170124

Circumstances: Larry and Trinity were allegedly abducted by their father, Larry Grant, on April 15, 2011. A felony warrant is on file for Larry. They may travel out of the state. The child Larry's nickname is Junior. Trinity's nicknames are Tee-Tee and Gracie. The children's father has a tattoo of a werewolf on his left upper arm.


LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Tgg10

Case Type: Family Abduction
DOB: Mar 22, 2008
Sex: Female
Missing Date: Apr 15, 2011
Age Now: 3
Missing City: DALLAS
Missing State : GA
Missing Country: United States
Race: White
Height: 2'11" (89 cm)
Weight: 35 lbs (16 kg)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Case Number: NCMC1170124

Circumstances: Larry and Trinity were allegedly abducted by their father, Larry Grant, on April 15, 2011. A felony warrant is on file for Larry. They may travel out of the state. The child Larry's nickname is Junior. Trinity's nicknames are Tee-Tee and Gracie. The children's father has a tattoo of a werewolf on his left upper arm.

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Twiglet Mon May 23, 2011 10:17 pm

It is believed that the children are in the company of their father, Larry Alan Grant, pictured below.

LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Lag11
Larry Alan Grant

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  pam supportfromireland Tue May 24, 2011 1:45 am

I will get my husband to promote this case as has lots of contacts in Dallas.
pam supportfromireland
pam supportfromireland
Forum Moderator (Missing)
Forum Moderator (Missing)

Number of posts : 6734
Registration date : 2008-08-08

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Grant Grandma Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:46 pm

We, the Father's family, do not believe that Larry took the children. Larry was set up by their mother Sarah Schwebke Grant. Sarah allowed Larry a month with the children, knowing that he was planning to move to SC to be nearer to them and continue fighting for custody of them. Sarah then filed the Police reports stating the children were kidnapped by their Father a week into the month she told him he could have them. Larry was notified of the situation and said he would be calling Sarah and returning the children to her home, since he did not want them handed over to Authorities and being scared. He dropped them off at Sarah's home. She then put them into hiding with a family member. Larry is running for his life now, scared and confused. Sarah knows where the children are. The Police in SC won't even search her home or interview her family members. Sarah is extremely good at using the system and lying to anyone who will listen. Larry has been fighting for custody of these two children for the past 3 years, ever since Sarah met a man on the internet, had an on-line affair with him for months, then invited him into their home. Larry came home from work and found her (7 months pregnant) in bed with this stranger. She threw Larry out and moved the internet boyfriend in immediately. This boyfriend is a convicted wife and child abuser out of Arizona. Larry has two GAL reports in his favor, one from GA one from SC. Sarah knew she was going to lose in Court. She set this up and now is crying wolf to anyone who will listen. Sarah uses her children for government paychecks. She uses men for the same reason. Larry comes from a God-fearing family who has never been in trouble with the law. Sarah on the other hand cannot say that about herself nor her family.

Twiglet wrote:LARRY ALAN GRANT

LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Lag10

Case Type: Family Abduction
DOB: Dec 11, 2006
Sex: Male
Missing Date: Apr 15, 2011
Age Now: 4
Missing City: DALLAS
Missing State : GA
Missing Country: United States
Race: White
Height: 3'4" (102 cm)
Weight: 38 lbs (17 kg)
Hair Color: Sandy
Eye Color: Hazel

Case Number: NCMC1170124

Circumstances: Larry and Trinity were allegedly abducted by their father, Larry Grant, on April 15, 2011. A felony warrant is on file for Larry. They may travel out of the state. The child Larry's nickname is Junior. Trinity's nicknames are Tee-Tee and Gracie. The children's father has a tattoo of a werewolf on his left upper


LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Tgg10

Case Type: Family Abduction
DOB: Mar 22, 2008
Sex: Female
Missing Date: Apr 15, 2011
Age Now: 3
Missing City: DALLAS
Missing State : GA
Missing Country: United States
Race: White
Height: 2'11" (89 cm)
Weight: 35 lbs (16 kg)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Case Number: NCMC1170124

Circumstances: Larry and Trinity were allegedly abducted by their father, Larry Grant, on April 15, 2011. A felony warrant is on file for Larry. They may travel out of the state. The child Larry's nickname is Junior. Trinity's nicknames are Tee-Tee and Gracie. The children's father has a tattoo of a werewolf on his left upper arm.

Grant Grandma

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2011-06-08

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Tezza Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:17 pm

Thank you Grant Grandma for joing us and giving your side of the story to this case. Welcome to our fourm.
Family Abduction cases can be very difficult and it is not for us to pass judgement.
All of the information on this case has come from the Missing Kids website.

We urge Larry to make contact with the authorities.


Number of posts : 5956
Birthday : 1971-04-23
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-08-07

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:47 am

Sadly, Grant Grandma is full of negativity and lies...always has been.

The Grants may have not been 'in trouble' with the law, but they have done this type of thing before...not only to my kids (in January of this year, when they were reprimanded and told to return the children to me, their custodial parent), but to their own children. My children's father had this done to him (my ex-husbands father took him and his sister from their mothers and took off), but apparently my ex-husband doesnt realize it; he thinks his mother didnt want him, still does. Its time that the truth comes out.
Also, a dishonorable discharge in the grandfathers past isnt such an honorable thing...may not be a legal issue, where they were in trouble with the law, but still one of the worst things on anyone's record.

She can get on here and slander me, when I am not around to defend myself...well, now its my turn. If theyre so 'in the right', perhaps Grant Grandma's "son" (they're step-family) should return my children to me.
The law says I have SOLE custody...he does not. How is that for breaking the law?1?

My son, Jr, didnt even want to go away on visitations...he cried when we were close to the exchange location, and I would have to calm him and let him know that he would be back with Mommy soon.
Now I cant even imagine what he is thinking and what he is going through!!!
I PROMISED him that I would be there to get him the next weekend...we all see how that went. It DIDNT. I never break promises to my children...especially not of this caliber. Their selfishness is hurting these children.

My little ones NEVER wanted to leave me, they regressed emotionally and physically when they went away for 'visitation' week. My children flourished when with me...Jr tested at the 6-year-old level for many things. Whereas the Grants believed he needed therapy (this only occurred while with their father).
The Grants would have them tested, and they said the kids needed therapy. I had them evaluated each time that they claimed this, and they both passed with flying colors.

Money doesnt make you the better choice...the REAL, TRUE love and care from their mother (and big brother) does!!!

Mommy loves and misses you TeeTee and Junior! XOXO
Chancey misses playing with his little bro and sis.


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Continued...

Post  chancesmomma Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:09 am

I dropped the kids off on April 8th, I went back to get them back on April 15th, they never showed up...the cops went to the house and it was vacant. Phone and power were shut off.
People saw a moving truck, on April 9th, at the residence (at the time) of the Grants...hmmm...?

Grant Grandma said, under oath in court, that Larry has the kids...and that she WOULD NOT ASSIST LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE SEARCH FOR THEM.
She has so much to say about me...perhaps the truth needs to be revealed.

He only had 1 WEEK of visitation...never agreed to him having them for a month. They lied and made up things, just to try to get the kids....apparently so that they would have time to disappear. My motherly/gut instinct was not to allow it...and apparently it was right!

Larry NEVER called me, Larry NEVER returned the kids to me, and SEVERAL Law enforcement officers have been to my house.
Where/ How in the heck do you hide a 3- and 4-year-old, anyway??? Hmmmm...

Why would Larry be 'running for his life', if he did nothing wrong? Because he DID, and IS!!! With help from the Grants...he is just their pawn in this whole thing. I actually feel bad for him, taking the fall for them.

If Larry would just turn the kids in, and turn himself in, they would work with him on getting lesser charges. I want him to have a relationship with his kids.
This was NOT the way to do it.
I know that Larry wasn't the one that came up with this plan...he is just stuck doing the Grants' dirty work.

If 'Grant Grandma' cares at all for Larry, she will allow him to do what is right and legal; allow him to return the kids and then leave him alone and let him live his own life. Quit controlling him.

I pray that this is all over soon....the children need it to be over with. Bring them HOME!!!


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:27 am

i am jr and trinity's big brother and she is not hiding them with a family member or anywhere,they are with larry because he did not return them to the jr and trinity's moms house,they are with larry or one of his family members because if they were here i would know.


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:25 am

chancesmomma wrote:i am jr and trinity's big brother and she is not hiding them with a family member or anywhere,they are with larry because he did not return them to the jr and trinity's moms house,they are with larry or one of his family members because if they were here i would know.

Chance, youre the best big brother any little brother and sister could ask for. And youre the best son any Mother could ever have! :-) I LOVE YOU.

I know that you miss Jr and TeeTee...they will be home one day, soon. We just have to help each other through all of this, and we will be fine.

I love you,


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Tezza Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:57 am

My heart goes out to you Sarah and Chance. I hope that 'Junior' and 'TeeTee' will be reunited with you both soon. Our forum is just a place to highligh missing cases, based on the information we get from various resources. We are not here to judge anyone or take sides in any custody disputes. But we will always support families of missing children.

Can I ask how old Chance is and is?

My hope is that Larry, or whoever knows the whereabouts of these two children will read this thread and do the right thing and contact the authorities.

Number of posts : 5956
Birthday : 1971-04-23
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-08-07

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  pam supportfromireland Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:11 am

I would also like to reiterate that this is a Police matter and strongly urge anyone with information to come forward for the children involved.The forum here is never about getting involved except to highlight cases as Police release the information.
pam supportfromireland
pam supportfromireland
Forum Moderator (Missing)
Forum Moderator (Missing)

Number of posts : 6734
Registration date : 2008-08-08

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:50 am

Tezza wrote:My heart goes out to you Sarah and Chance. I hope that 'Junior' and 'TeeTee' will be reunited with you both soon. Our forum is just a place to highligh missing cases, based on the information we get from various resources. We are not here to judge anyone or take sides in any custody disputes. But we will always support families of missing children.

Can I ask how old Chance is and is?

My hope is that Larry, or whoever knows the whereabouts of these two children will read this thread and do the right thing and contact the authorities.

Chance is 10 years old. He is the best big brother that any little brother and sister could ask for. He is so close to them, and always so involved with them. He always played with them, and entertained them...they were always laughing...there was always laughter coming from their rooms.
At the park/playground, he always took them around and showed them how to get up and down and around the play area. We always had a blast!
He misses them so badly, there are times that he comes to me and we just hug each other and absolutely breaks my heart.

I hope and pray everyday that my babies are returned to that we can all begin the healing process.


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:22 am

chancesmomma wrote:
chancesmomma wrote:i am jr and trinity's big brother and she is not hiding them with a family member or anywhere,they are with larry because he did not return them to the jr and trinity's moms house,they are with larry or one of his family members because if they were here i would know.

Chance, youre the best big brother any little brother and sister could ask for. And youre the best son any Mother could ever have! :-) I LOVE YOU.

I know that you miss Jr and TeeTee...they will be home one day, soon. We just have to help each other through all of this, and we will be fine.

I love you,

love you too ma and well get through this you! Very Happy


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  M. Freeman Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:25 pm

Are they still missing?

I saw these children in Macon, GA on Monday, Sept 12, 2011. I tried calling the local police, their names didn't come up, no help there, wasn't interested in what I was trying to tell them really. I had seen the "ALERT" on HLN, In Court Session, but didn't catch the whole story, was busy thinking where I had seen these children, then the very last thing said was "something about Georgia". Then I felt that I was probably right, it was them. I immediately recognized these children, couldn't remember where I saw them, but knew it was recent. I thought, thought hard. I looked on-line for a tele # to call HLN, couldn't find. That is how I came up to this site, because I KNOW this was the children. The little boy in the grocery cart, the little girl was in the front part. I remember, because as I often do, I spoke to the little boy, smiled at him. When the adult acted indignant, I wondered why, then thought maybe just being protective, as well may be the case and well reason to be. They don't know me, I'm just a grandmother who loves children. I noticed how pale and small the little boy was, then I noticed the little girl. Are they still missing? I tried to tell police, nothing came up in their names. Are they still missing?

Last edited by Tezza on Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Merged Topic)

M. Freeman

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2011-09-15

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Twiglet Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:37 am

Please come back and clarify which case you are referring to as you have posted this message as a NEW TOPIC which has given your post a thread in it's own right with no connection to any particular case!! Easily done!!!!

As you mentioned Georgia, a boy and a girl, I am assuming you are talking about the missing Grant children!! But I could be wrong!!!

If it is Larry and Trinity Grant, YES, these children are still listed as missing, the contact details are as follows:-


National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)

Paulding County Sheriff's Office (Georgia) 1-404-427-1216 or Dorchester County Sheriff's Office (South Carolina) 1-843-563-3511

It may also help to quote the case number!!

Case Number: NCMC1170124

Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Tezza Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:17 am

Yes Twiglet, it does appear that this poster refers to Larry and Trinity Grant as she has posted in the Family Abductions section of our forum. I hope she will come back soon to confirm this but I will send her an email to be sure that she has the information required.

Number of posts : 5956
Birthday : 1971-04-23
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-08-07

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:45 am

Please, to the lady that saw them, they are still missing! Today is 6 months since I last saw them.
Please contact me ASAP. I desperately need to talk to you.

I sent you a PM with my contact email address.....please message me back ASAP.

I pray that your sighting was a valid one, but we need to know where in Macon, what store were you in, approximate time of day, on what date, etc...

Also, if you are absolutely positive that it was them...what did the man look like that was with them. Do you remember what he was wearing? Glasses or not? Hair style, length, color, etc.
Height? Approximate weight?

Please contact me ASAP, thank you.


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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Post  chancesmomma Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:32 pm

M. Freeman wrote:Are they still missing?

I saw these children in Macon, GA on Monday, Sept 12, 2011. I tried calling the local police, their names didn't come up, no help there, wasn't interested in what I was trying to tell them really. I had seen the "ALERT" on HLN, In Court Session, but didn't catch the whole story, was busy thinking where I had seen these children, then the very last thing said was "something about Georgia". Then I felt that I was probably right, it was them. I immediately recognized these children, couldn't remember where I saw them, but knew it was recent. I thought, thought hard. I looked on-line for a tele # to call HLN, couldn't find. That is how I came up to this site, because I KNOW this was the children. The little boy in the grocery cart, the little girl was in the front part. I remember, because as I often do, I spoke to the little boy, smiled at him. When the adult acted indignant, I wondered why, then thought maybe just being protective, as well may be the case and well reason to be. They don't know me, I'm just a grandmother who loves children. I noticed how pale and small the little boy was, then I noticed the little girl. Are they still missing? I tried to tell police, nothing came up in their names. Are they still missing?

I have called every M. Freeman that I could find in the yellowpages online, in Macon, GA.
I am about to start calling the Macon police department and seeing if any information was gotten, such as a report being made or atleast called in. I need to know where my kids are. If this tip is valid, it could help us bring them home.
Please, please, please contact me back as soon as you get this. I have emailed and private messaged you a few times, please contact me back at anytime, day or night. Thank you.


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Twiglet Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:37 am

From our stats M. Freeman last visited this forum mid September.

M. Freeman joined our forum on the 14 September 2011...

Last visit : Thursday 15 September 2011 at 1:25 pm
The same day & tme that this person left their message........

As a member of the admin team I have access to the private email used to register with the forum, so I will email this member asking the questions you have laid out in your previous post and hopefully get you some answers!!! I hope you understand that for Confidentiality reasons I cannot provide you with this email address.


Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:45 am

I completely understand, and I cannot thank you enough.

I tried PM-ing her, but no reply has been made back to me.

I have called the local police that she spoke of, and they are looking into any reports about missing children that would have been made around that time. I told them it probably would have been between September 13th and the 15th. So, theyre looking into it.

I hope and pray that she or the police and find something out...some information that will lead us in the right direction.


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Twiglet Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:40 am

As the member in question has not been logging on to the forum, she will not have picked up any of your messages!

An email has been sent to M. Freeman!

Chancesmomma, These are the questions I have asked on your behalf!!

where in Macon did you see the children?
what store were you in at the time? (there may be CCTV footage)
What time of day did you see the children?
Can you also confirm the date?

If you are absolutely positive that it was them:-
What did the man that was with the children look like?
Do you remember what he was wearing?
Glasses or not?
Hair style, length, color, etc.?
Approximate weight?

Fingers crossed I will hear something back in the very near future.
I will let you know as soon as I have any information.


Number of posts : 20932
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  chancesmomma Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:00 am

Thank you so much. Hopefully this person will reply very soon.


Number of posts : 13
Birthday : 1981-01-01
Age : 43
Registration date : 2011-08-01

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Tezza Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:22 am

I hope that this person will contact you soon. I have previously emailed asking them to contact the police but got no response.

Number of posts : 5956
Birthday : 1971-04-23
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-08-07

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  smokie Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:56 am

I cannot find any information on these children and after reading the previous posts was wondering if anyone knew anything?
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Number of posts : 1519
Birthday : 1977-11-11
Age : 46
Registration date : 2008-08-26

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

Post  Tezza Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:24 am

No, not heard a thing here.

Number of posts : 5956
Birthday : 1971-04-23
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-08-07

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LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11 Empty Re: LARRY ALAN Jnr (4) & TRINITY GRACE (3) GRANT - Dallas, Georgia (USA) - 15/04/11

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